Send Ms. Johnson-Smith to Washington

At this moment, our nation is facing a crisis of our very existence. I am running for Congress to offer you, the voter, solutions to this onrushing disaster that can rescue our nation. That solution is to return this nation to its founding principles, to return to the American System of physical economy. In 1994 I was first introduced to these ideas by the Lyndon LaRouche organization. I have now been fighting for these critical policies and a return to our nation’s founding principles with American System economist Mr. LaRouche and his movement for the past 15 years. I will outline the American System in a moment, but first…

When Barack Obama was elected, many Americans were hoping for serious change from the previous eight years of suffering under George Bush; instead, we have been given more of the same: more war, more unconstitutional bailouts, more home foreclosures, more job losses. Obama, now, has been following, not changing the disastrous and treasonous policies of the Bush and Cheney years. That is - bailing out the banking system to the tune of trillions of dollars, and deliberately failing to address the crisis of jobs and the economy. As a result, we have skyrocketing unemployment, massive increases in foreclosures, and a take down of our machine tool sector, exemplified by the collapse of the auto industry in which I am employed.


If we are to revive our nation, we must return to our historic mission as a nation of scientific and technological progress. The essence of our existence as a republic is our promotion of the creative powers of mind for all our citizenry and its realization in the never ending advancement of the standard of living and level of profound cultural achievement. For the past fifteen years, I have been an advocate of the American System of physical economy, as practiced by Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton, Whig leader Henry Clay, President Abraham Lincoln, who spent his formative years in Indiana; and Presidents Franklin Roosevelt, and John Kennedy. Most recently this bi-partisan system of economy has been revived and developed by Mr. Lyndon LaRouche who, as I said, introduced and inspired me to become active in the revival of our American System of physical economy.

Today, this perspective is of the utmost urgency. Its basic components include:

1. Bankruptcy reorganization of the major Wall Street banks and brokerage firms and the cancellation of the trillions of dollars of speculative paper, derivatives, and other Devalued securities that have been polluting our banking system. This will require writing off the now-devalued financial derivatives, and eliminating, once and for all, the power of Wall Street in formulating economic policy. In addition, we will have to implement a national and global Glass-Steagall reform that will prevent the banks from ever again speculating in useless paper products such as derivatives. This system worked well from 1933 to 1998, when it was repealed by Larry Summers, Obama’s current economic advisor.

2. Creation of a federal credit system, as per Article 1 of the Constitution, and issuing lines of credit to cities and states to build federal infrastructure programs, such as high speed rail, nuclear power, bridge repairs, water projects, etc. These programs will fund local contractors and businesses to immediately participate in the programs.

3. Creation of a federal program modeled on the Civilian Conservation Corps of Roosevelt, which can recruit millions of young, unemployed workers and put them into training and immediate placement in the infrastructure projects.

The campaign begins . . . [stay tuned! more to come!]

Who is this woman?
My name is Carol Johnson-Smith. I am a candidate for the Democratic Party nomination for Indiana’s 9th District seat in the United States House of Representatives.

I am a 20-year member of the United Auto Workers Union, and I work at the Louisville Assembly Plant for Ford Motor Company. For the union, I have served on the Women’s Committee, the Citizenship and Legislative Committee and currently on the Education Committee. I have been a longtime campaigner for political candidates throughout the region.

I am the mother of 2 grown sons, and I just celebrated the birth of my first grandson. (He is really cute. I have pictures.)

Why is she running?
Many Americans were hoping for a serious change from the previous eight years of Bush’s policies, instead we suffering more of the same. The Obama administration has continued to push the same financial schemes responsible for the collapse of the entire monetary system. This policy disaster has resulted in massive unemployment, an explosion in home foreclosures, and further take-down of our nation’s physical production including the machine- tool sector of our auto industry and now, with Obama’s new budget out, the space program too is in danger. These sectors are the key to the ability of the nation to drive forward in science and technological advancements.

I have spent the last 15 years talking to citizens across this nation, from New York to California, working to get them to listen and consider different ideas from those that have been ruling and ruining our nation for decades. I have worked to revive the true American System of Political Economy; the system that built this nation under Alexander Hamilton and George Washington. Kentucky Senator Henry Clay fought for it as did Abraham Lincoln. Franklin D. Roosevelt again revived the American System to address the Depression in the‘30’s concerning the predatory banking policies and the looming housing crisis.

In 2008, I decided to run for an elected office myself. I chose the office of Harrison County Council. I spent the campaign talking to my neighbors about an American System proposal that had come out asking for a return to the proven policies of FDR as to what he proposed to clean up the banking system in the ‘30’s.

This proposal was called The Homeowners and Bank Protection Act, and it proposed to freeze foreclosures and eliminate the casino banking practices which later led to the meltdown of our economy in 2009. I traveled to the state capitols ofIndiana, Kentucky and Tennessee, as well as many city councils in these states. to lobby for this Act to be put before Congress. The proposal passed in over 100 city councils across the nation and in some state houses; it was the answer to the growing crisis in the economy.

But not one member of Congress would even debate the issue.

What does she stand for?
I stand for a return to the Constitution and the founding principles of the American System of Political Economy.

It is time to return to the principles that founded this nation that are put forth in our US Constitution and especially the Preamble’s General Welfare Clause. The Constitutional way to do this is with federal credit directed through a protectionist national banking system to fund great infrastructure projects like Roosevelt and Kennedy did.

These great projects will put people back to work, save their jobs and homes, build needed community projects that benefit our citizens and promote the common good. Without them, we will continue to struggle through recessions and depressions that might just bring the entire world economy down and send us into a dark age.

Nothing can be done to reverse the collapse of the US economy without starting with the American System solution : first we enact a sweeping bankruptcy reorganization, which will put trillions of dollars of gambling debts into the deep freeze making it possible to re-establish a sound credit system, based on the standard set by FDR: the Glass-Steagall standard which said that a commercial bank cannot engage in speculative investments. We will need NO bank bailouts because speculation is not allowed!

Next we must enact the authority of Congress to issue federal credit for national infrastructure projects such as high-speed rail, nuclear power plants for energy independence, great water projects, and put space and scientific development back at the top of our nation’s priorities. A fully funded NASA could spearhead a real economic recovery by emphasizing the rapid and massive creation of productive and meaningful employment in the scientific, machine-tool and related industrial sectors.