Will Obama be Indicted Soon?

--Barack Obama may have more to worry about than a
subpoena from former Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich. Obama is
directly at the center of the Health Facilities Planning Board
scheme for which Rezko was indicted. This scheme was also in the
original indictment of Blagojevich (pp. 19-23), but was removed
from the superseding indictment, perhaps to be reserved for
another legal action.
See link below for story and details


Newspaper questionnaire

Name: Carol Johnson-Smith

Address: 1170 Wayne Way NW, Corydon, IN 47112

Family: Two Grown Sons: Joseph Smith (Amanda), Travis Smith; one grandson: Joey Smith

Education/Occupation/Political experience: AA Degree, IUS / 20 year UAW Autoworker—Ford Assembly Plant, Louisville / Candidate for Harrison County Council 2008 • Harrison County Board of Zoning Appeals

Contact information for voters: www.CarolForCongress2010.com, agape1957@gmail.com • 812/968-4046

Why are you seeking the office (in 100 words or less)? Our nation is facing a crisis of our very existence. I will enact solutions to return this nation to its founding principles; those for which I have fought for over 15 years based on the principles of the true American system of Lincoln, FDR and Lyndon LaRouche.

The current leadership of the both Parties, the Congress, and the White House are complete frauds. They are doing nothing for the US population and are pushing policies that further accelerate the collapse. I am calling for Obama’s impeachment to stop the bailouts and wars and start the recovery with The LaRouche Plan.

If elected, what will you do to help Hoosiers through these daunting economic times? (in 150 words or less)? If elected, I will join with the other three American System candidates to implement the LaRouche Plan – today’s American System solution to turn things around:

1) Repeal the Wall Street Bail Outs - Take back those trillions of dollars in hyper-inflationary bailouts enacted under the last two administrations and use it, instead, to create millions of jobs building the nation’s vital infrastructure

2) Reestablish the Glass Steagall Act – The Banking Act of 1933, implemented by the Franklin Roosevelt Administration to separate the activities of commercial banks from investment banks. Any debts which do not meet this standard, such as financial derivatives, must be written off, NOT bailed out.

3) Establish a new International Credit System based on physical economy to replace the failed financial economy. Returning to our Constitutional principles, we shall recreate the physical economy using long-term, low interest credit to build up our productive industries and infrastructure.

Bankrupt Goldman Sachs

Why Goldman Sucks

April 21, 2010 -- The April 16 decision by the SEC, to investigate the fraudulent practices of Goldman Sachs should not stop there, but must lead to an emergency bankruptcy reorganization of the international banking system. Had we implemented the Homeowner and Bank protection Act back in 2007 we would not be in this shape today. I have presented American economist Lyndon LaRouche’s HBPA across Indiana as well as Kentucky and Tennessee for the past three years with the central feature being the reorganization of the corrupt banking system according to the Glass-Steagall standard.

Don't kid yourself. This isn't a scandal concerning some Credit Default Swaps (CDSs)-- this is a global systemic financial collapse. Gambling with exotic financial instruments isn't the crime of a few bankers, it is the nature of the entire international financial system first unleashed by the reign of Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan.

Ask yourself: Why is it that 'back alley gambling' is just now coming under investigation? Common sense tells us that the system was rigged from the beginning, and that Goldman Sachs should divert that intended $5 billion in bonuses into legal defense for their CEO's. Perhaps, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner should share a jail cell with Ben Bernanke and Alan Greenspan. Goldman Sachs should be known as 'Goldman Sucks.'

Americans don't pay for other people's gambling debts. We must use the current investigation of the fraudulent practices of Goldman Sachs to implement the LaRouche plan for economic recovery now -- because it isn't about investigating a couple of banks. It is the entire economic system we, the people, suffer under, that must be reorganized in line with the U.S. Constitution. Here's the plan:

1) Impeach Obama (or force resignation-- whichever is faster!)

2) Take back the $26.7 trillion in bail outs; use it to create millions of jobs!.

3) Implement a global Glass-Steagall Act.

4) Negotiate an international credit system, devoid of usurious interest rates, with Russia, China, India and other participating nations to fund cooperation in high- speed rail construction, water systems, nuclear power plants, and especially inter-planetary space travel/colonization.