The Obama Administration has crossed the line to impeachable actions.
When Barack Obama was elected, many Americans were hoping for serious change from the previous eight years of suffering under George Bush; instead, we have been given more of the same: more war, more unconstitutional bailouts, more home foreclosures, more job losses. Obama, now, has been following, not changing the disastrous and treasonous policies of the Bush and Cheney years. That is - bailing out the banking system to the tune of trillions of dollars, and deliberately failing to address the crisis of jobs and the economy. As a result, we have skyrocketing unemployment, massive increases in foreclosures, and a take down of our machine tool sector, exemplified by the collapse of our auto industry.
Yet, after excluding single-payer advocates from his health care summit, the president explicitly rejected the option when he delivered a March 3 speech pressing for final action to enact some sort of health care reform. Just as his speech dismissed "Party of No" Republicans who want to "loosen regulations on the insurance companies," Obama took a swipe at the real reformers with whom he once stood in solidarity." On one end of the spectrum, there are some who have suggested scrapping our system of private insurance and replacing it with government-run health care," the president declared. "Though many other countries have such a system, in America it would be neither practical nor realistic." He is wrong about what is practical or realistic. Now, as President, he has stubbornly demanded a health care reform policy that bails out the insurance companies, while creating an independent board, above the oversight of Congress, to cut Medicare by enormous amounts. According to the Senate legislation, this board could never be repealed, and would in effect, function as a dictatorship of draconian cutting of health care benefits. This will increase the death rate among our most vulnerable sections of the population, the elderly, children, and the infirm. Mr. LaRouche denounced the Obama health care bill as Hitlerian, and I endorse that call. Mr. LaRouche further said that this policy violates the General Welfare Clause of the Constitution and warrants impeachment. I wholeheartedly endorse that position.

This weekend, I travelled to Washington for Mr. Larouche's International Webcast and met Kesha Rogers, the Democratic nominee for the US House from the 22nd District of Texas, one of 4 Larouche Democrats running this year to promote the American System.
On another front, Mr. Obama’s policies are equally treacherous. His recent budget contains brutal attacks on all federal programs, in the name of bailing out Wall Street, but his demand that we eliminate the manned space program crosses the line. A recent letter issued by prominent astronauts Gene Cernan, Scott Carpenter, and Charlie Duke poignantly attacks this ugly proposal,
“There has never been, and likely never will be, another government program that expedites technological innovation so much as the US space program. There is not another program that has so successfully rallied a nation, inspired youngsters toward academic achievement or established the US as the world leader in technology.
“The manned space program has, in particular, been a source of our nation’s strength and character. But an Achilles heel in the form of our country’s executive branch threatens a mortal wound. Under the Obama 2011 budget, the US will no longer ferry humans into space—no Moon, no Mars. The source of so much of America’s inspiration and spirit, the impetus for so much discovery, technology and imagination, is in jeopardy. The demise of America’s space program is just another step in the dismantling of our nation.”
In a similar move, former Apollo astronaut and Senator Harrison Schmitt called the President’s actions unconstitutional, and demanded they be halted. He said they violated Article 1, Section 8, Clause 8 that gives only Congress broad powers to ‘promote the Progress of Science and the useful Arts.’ I support the outlook embodied in his denunciation and the letter of the three astronauts, and demand the immediate repudiation of the President’s elimination of the manned space program.
Finally, the recent announcement of the President to create a budget commission, that would again be above the purview of Congress, and be mandated to make lethal, massive budget cuts against the standard of living and very existence of our people is also an impeachable offense. Let me be clear… my campaign intends to put forth the American System of Physical Economy to save the nation! This Administration, like the previous one is guilty of impeachable offenses. We must force Obama to resign or face impeachment.